
Train as a Living Somatics Movement Teacher1-year Online Training, Starting 12 July 2024

Welcome to Living Somatics

Discover freedom from pain and find flexibility in mind and body through this system of neuromuscular education. Living Somatics is a movement awareness practice for enhancing mobility, accessing your greater potential and embodying the somatic principles of comfort and ease.

Learn more about our live and prerecorded lessons series and events

Online Living Somatics Movement Teacher Training

Learn to teach the movement lessons and principles of Living Somatics in this 9-day training. 

One-on-One Consultation
Online & In-house

A consultation tailored for your particular needs. 

Online Somatic Movement Lesson Series & Workshops

Classes for embodiment, pain release and freedom of movement.

Free Q&A and lesson for the LSMTT

Free 15-min online consultation

Free Somatic movement lesson

About Living Somatics

Living Somatics is a system of neuromuscular education and a movement awareness practice. This work teaches us to recognize and release holding patterns and chronic pain resulting from injury, stress, repetitive strain, and habituated posture.
You can work privately with a Clinical Living Somatic Educator in a hands-on session, in a group movement lesson or on your own with a self-practice. Somatic movements are slow, mindful movements mostly done lying down on the floor. The primary focus is on finding ease and quality movement and the form of the movement is secondary.
Living Somatics gives you back the ease, comfort and flexibility you remember from childhood. Learn to access freedom of movement, embodiment and higher self-awareness.


"The human body is not an instrument to be used, but a realm of one's being to be experienced, explored, enriched and, thereby, educated." - Thomas Hanna

Experience Living Somatics

  • Free Somatic Movement Lesson


  • Free Q&A for the LSMTT and a Movement Lesson


  • Free One-on-One Consultation

    Contact Us

  • Free Online Somatic Self-healing Event 


  • Calendar: Events, Lesson Series & Trainings

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