“The deep philosophical and spiritual teachings of Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, (the founder of Osteopathy) have failed to come through into the osteopathic profession as it stands today.
The biodynamic view of osteopathy, taught by Dr. Jim Jealous DO, is a revival of those teachings and principles. Its application and effects go beyond standard Newtonian medical understanding.
If we look instead to quantum mechanics, and apply it to our biology, to ourselves, the veil begins to lift. Our understanding undergoes a paradigm shift, and a new world view emerges.
From this vantage point, and from the perspective of an osteopathic physician, we have the ability to see, feel and think with our hands. We know right down to our bones, that what we perceive is profound and truly significant. We see what intuitively all living beings have always known, and without which we could not survive.
This is the innate mechanism that is behind our ability to self-correct and self-regulate; it is behind the same generative forces and creative intelligence that grew us, and that continue to heal us. Biodynamic osteopathy bears witness to this, in its awe-inspiring beauty and simplicity.”
Brian Siddhartha Ingle DO
Here are some inspiring words from past and present leaders in the field:
"In the last Biodynamic Osteopathy treatment with Dr. Ingle, something profound and sacred transpired. It felt like a cosmic fulfillment, and a deep healing took place as we both had got 'out of the way'. The back problems, and more, have been relieved."
Equine Trainer, India