Living Somatics presents an online movement teacher training (LSMTT) - Next wave starting 31 January 2025
In this training program, you will learn to teach the movement lessons, theory and principles of Living Somatics. The training consists of a 1-year program with live online segments, mentor meetings and home practice. The program is structured for an organic and natural learning progression. The pedagogy in this training emphasizes that you will embody what you will teach. The live teaching consists of guided movement lessons, lectures and group discussions. During the 3 segments, we will guide you on a somatic journey to both explore the work as a student as well as a teacher in training. Upon graduation, you will have a solid understanding of the nuanced principles and strategies of Living Somatics, enabling you to competently teach the movement lessons.
Living Somatics teaches us how to use movement and awareness as a way to increase health and wellbeing. The movements are slow, mindful and mostly done lying on the floor. The primary focus is on finding ease and comfort. The quality of the movement takes priority over the form. This is achieved by a focus on how we use ourselves during the lessons, while simultaneously improving the function of our nervous system. Through this work, you will increase your sensory abilities, improve your posture, address tension and pain, and support self-healing and transformation.
In this training you will learn:
● to teach Living Somatics Movement Lessons. Each lesson has a unique design to improve a specific function such as bending, reaching, walking, breathing.● a daily self-practice of Somatic movements to self-regulate, rejuvenate and center yourself.● the principles and learning strategies of Somatic movement.● the pedagogy of teaching Living Somatics Movement Lessons.●how to use this work to reverse the effects of stress, trauma, injuries and aging.● what Sensory Motor Amnesia (SMA) is, why it is the most common cause of chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system, and how to reverse it.
●to cultivate somatic literacy: the ability to truly be at rest while not engaging in activity, and while in activity, using one’s whole self efficiently.●pandiculation: Thomas Hanna’s technique to restore voluntary control over muscles and improve the sensory-motor feedback loop.● functional anatomy and neurophysiology as applied to Somatic eucation.● somatic body patterns that reveal how we respond to stress and its effects.● how Living Somatics can relieve specific functional movement limitations and reduce pain.● to develop your somatic experience and intuition, which enables you to respond and act fluidly in relation to outer life circumstances.
- €1650 Early Bird 1, for payment made in full a minimum of eight weeks before the training starts.- €1900 Early Bird 2, for payment made in full a minimum of four weeks before the training starts.- Full training cost is €2100 for full payment made in the four weeks before the training starts.Tuition includes 9 days of online training, learning materials, online resources, and mentoring. Payment plans and part scholarships available for students in need.
Program Overview
The program consists of three 3-day segments taught over 1 year. The segments are scheduled in 4-month intervals. Between segments, the group meets with a teacher every 4 weeks to allow for integration of the course material and renewed learning. Each segment contains lectures, group discussions and movement lessons.
Segment 1
focuses on understanding the theory and principles of Living Somatics and establishing a deeper sense of self-connection. You will discover the learning strategies of somatic movement, embodied anatomy, somatic body patterns, the core movement lessons, and understanding your own movement organization and how to start facilitating your own lessons.
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This is an embodied learning process and the priority is your first-person experience in relation to the material being presented. You learn this work by understanding it in your own body first
Segment 2
centers around developing your skills to teach the movement lessons. Having cultivated a connection to your own somatic experience in Segment 1, you now explore how to facilitate that learning for others when teaching your own lesson assignments. The focus is given to understanding the different components involved in successfully facilitating a lesson.
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The curriculum includes vocabulary for teaching lessons, somatic scan and its use and implications, how to hold space for a group, and understanding the structural components of a movement lesson for optimal learning. The lessons in this segment are more complex and lead us into a deeper connection and inquiry with ourselves.
Segment 3
brings you deeper into the method and its applications. Beyond refining your skills of facilitating Living Somatics movement lessons, having reached the final segment of this training you will have learned to integrate this somatic approach into your life. Lectures cover polyvagal theory, neuroplasticity, biotensegrity and conditions that Somatic Education can help.
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New lessons are taught and you solidify your understanding of the principles and learning strategies. In this segment you further build the skills required to certify as a Living Somatics Movement Teacher.
Mentor Meetings and Home Practice
Between segments, the group meets online with the team. These mentor meetings include lectures, group discussions, movement lessons and individualized coaching. For maximum learning, there is homework to complete between segments. The assignments will help you integrate and deepen what you learned during the live segments.
Additional Learning Resources
● Audio and video recordings of training lectures, movement lessons, group discussions and mentor meetings.● Training manuals covering the program material.● Assignment workbooks to document your learning.● Living Somatics Movement Lesson plans, in user-friendly charts.● Online student groups for community and mentoring.
Training dates: Segment 1; 31 January - 2 February 2025
See the calendar.