Clinical Living Somatics Training
The Ingle Institute for Somatics Education (IISE) offers a professional training in Somatic Education and Clinical Somatics. The training consists of five segments and takes place during a two-year period. The professional training covers the clinical lessons (protocols), movement lessons and hands-on techniques of Living Somatics Education. Lectures include neurophysiology, somatic philosophy, somatology, functional anatomy and kinesiology. By the end of the training, participants will be competent in application of the hands-on clinical lessons. They will also be competent in teaching the floor group movement lessons, and be able to understand and communicate to their clients/students not only the cause of their pain, but also the above somatic applications to reduce and eradicate it.
The body of this work is based on the somatic tradition of Thomas Hanna, one of the first students of Moshe Feldenkrais, as well as on insights from Brian Siddhartha Ingle that come from a functional and biodynamic osteopathic perspective. The primary focus of Somatic Education is to empower clients and students to master their own self-healing capacities. Somatic Education is not a new approach to treating pain, it is a new understanding of the causative factors.
It is not alternative medicine, it is science based on simple neurophysiology, which has been confirmed by recent developments in neuroplasticity. This method stands out from other forms of “bodywork” in that it relies upon a client’s participation to use their own sensory-motor feedback, enabling a somatic learning to take place, and thus to make changes from the inside.
Segment 1 (9 days)
In this segment the somatic functional problems of the spine and trunk are addressed. You will learn to examine clients from a somatic perspective, how to conduct a standing examination, a passive examination and how to take a case history/intake. The clinical techniques of Somatic Education; pandiculation, kinetic mirroring and “means-whereby” are taught on this segment. These
techniques are used to address disorders, such as chronic back pain, sciatica and scoliosis. The Red Light (startle) reflex and the Green Light reflex (of the extensor muscle chain) are the two core clinical lessons taught in this segment. These lessons address the habituated postures of contraction through the front of the body as well as the back body contraction of the Green Light reflex.
There will be talks on embodied learning and on the essential principles, strategies and skills to enable participants to move freely and with ease. There will also be discussions to help participants understand the pedagogy of learning from a somatic viewpoint. Lectures include functional and embodied anatomy,
neurophysiology, assessment techniques, clinical techniques, case history taking, somatic principles and philosophy, sensory motor amnesia, and the history and
evolution of Somatics. The movement lessons taught in the first segment are related to the above two clinical lessons, and some of the Myth of Ageing lessons from Thomas Hanna’s book Somatics.
Segment 2 (6 days)
In this segment the trauma clinical lesson is taught. Thislesson addresses the habituated posture of the trauma reflex, where the muscles of side-bending and rotation are chronically contracted which often leads to scoliosis. The Red Light and Green Light lessons taught in Segment 1 are recalibrated and refined. The clinical work in Segment 2 focuses on how to address conditions of the upper limbs: shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hands. Techniques for the following conditions will be taught: frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel, tendonitis, repetitive strain injury, and more. You will also learn to teach new movement lessons that include and go beyond the Myth of Ageing series.
Segment 3 (10 days)
In this segment the Breathing clinical lessons and specific techniques to address the neck and head region are taught. In the Breathing lesson, participants learn techniques to release the diaphragm, ribcage and primary muscles of respiration.
While working with the neck, we address the structure and function of the cervical spine and musculature, in relation to the thoracic and lumbar spine, pelvis and shoulder girdle. The neck work includes applied somatic techniques with a whole body perspective in order to address acute and chronic neck pain conditions.
Recalibration and refinements of the Red Light, Green Light and Trauma lessons are also taught in this segment. The clinical work in Segment 3 addresses conditions of the lower limbs related to the knee, ankle and foot. Participants continue to learn more advanced somatic movement lessons, from the Beyond the Myth of Ageing series. During this segment participants will start the process of learning how to create their own clinical lessons for an individual client’s needs. Lectures include neurophysiology, Polyvagal theory, functional anatomy and kinesiology in relation to the cervical spine. Students present their case studies. Between Segment 3 and 4, the participants will see individual clients to practice the new clinical lessons and teach more advanced somatic movement classes. Part of this segment’s homework is to write a short neurophysiology paper based on somatic thinking, which will be handed in before Segment 4.
Segment 4 (7 days)
In this segment the Walking and the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) clinical lessons are taught. Assessment and mechanics of walking and conditions related to TMJ dysfunction are addressed. The Breathing, Neck and Green Light lessons are reviewed with refinements. New movement lessons related to walking, TMJ and breathing are presented. In this segment there is a clinic for students to demonstrate competency in their approach to hands-on work. Students continue to present clinical case studies that have worked with in-between segments.
Segment 5 (8 days)
In this segment participants will learn how to work with their clients in new positions and ways. There will be an emphasis on how to address very acute low back pain. Participants will continue their journey to create their own
clinical lessons. They will also be teaching a movement lesson that they have learned in previous segments to their colleagues. Lectures include Somatic embodiment and conditions that benefit from Somatic Education and Clinical Somatics. The last three days of this segment will consist of a final hands-on clinic with outside clients. Those who successfully demonstrate competency in the clinical work, teaching movement lessons, who have completed all assignments, and paid the full fees will be certified as an approved Clinical Somatic Practitioner and certified Living Somatics Educator.
In addition to the in-house training you will receive:
● A course book for each segment that includes a synopsis of lectures, clinical hands-on instructions for the techniques taught in that particular segment, and movement lessons in an “user-friendly” table format.● Video recordings from each segment.● Assignment manuals. ● Access to a mentor between segments who offers practical guidance on the application of Somatics.● Meetings with a mentor and mentor group to discuss questions, difficult cases and progress on assignments.